(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/2013/10/03/tailoring-a-dying-art-form/att-suit-pic/)
Tailoring is an art form. Slowly dying out as machines take over the once delicate business of garment making, the artisans that can create an entire garment by hand without a stitch out of place, are being fazed out.
With mass market clothing supported by mass production, techniques like hand detailing, hand finished button holes, hand finished hems, hand stitching and use of a thimble are hard to come by. But as Jeeves provides the best for its clients, we have two tailors that take pride in those techniques that defined excellence pre-machine age. And these individuals not only service the clothes of our clients, but work with top designers around the world when they come to Manhattan!
So do you have pieces that you would never trust your “run of the mill” tailor to repair? Bring them in to Jeeves to be seen by some of the best hands in the business!
P.S-Have you liked our facebook page yet?
(https://www NULL.facebook NULL.com/pages/Jeeves-New-Yorks-Finest-Dry-Cleaner/66610321920?ref=hl)
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