What determines if you should preserve your wedding dress after cleaning? If you want to store your dress for more than one year, we at Jeeves recommend that you preserve your dress after it has been cleaned.
If you are planning on selling your wedding dress, cleaning only is fine. Have a specialty dry cleaning company, such as Jeeves, clean your most important dress is critical. The dry cleaner closest may not have the experience to take care of your wedding dress properly.
If you are keeping your dress, long term, preservation makes sense. The Jeeves preservation method uses museum grade archival storage materials. These types of materials prevent your dress from yellowing over time are similar to what is used for long term textile storage at major museums.
Our preservation box makes it easy to store your dress in the back of a closet or under a bed. It saves space rather than having your wedding dress hanging in your closet or on the back of your bedroom door.
Not all preservation methods are the same; ask questions. If plastics are used or if the preservation box is sealed, run away! The proper preservation methods allow you to open you box and view your dress anytime.
If you have questions about wedding dress preservation or need your wedding dress cleaned. Contact Jeeves (https://www NULL.jeevesny NULL.com/contact/), we are at your service.