(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/gucci2 NULL.jpg)
As the weather gets colder, you pile layers on before hopping on the subway to get to work. But as every New Yorker knows, no matter how cool or cold outside, the NYC subway remains hot, sticky, and stuffy. And as soon as you enter the train… You begin to sweat, and the armpits of your shirt become drenched. And before you know it, your cashmere sweaters, silk blouses and crisp white cotton button up shirts all have the same small pit stains.
Is there a solution to preventing your sweat stains? Well you may have to talk to your doctor or try a new deodorant. But Jeeves has the right solution, to lessen the amount of sweat getting into your clothes, curb odors and remove your sweat stains. If you are sweating VERY heavily, and it is accompanied by a strong odor, then Jeeves can sew under arm sweat guards into your shirts. To remove stains and odor, Jeeves can treat and dry-clean your shirts to lift any color stains from the sweat as well as remove any strong odors (http://jeevesny NULL.com/schedule-a-pick-up-and-laundry-delivery).
(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/80226e67d25a5845945de168cf146a39 NULL.jpg)
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