(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/heels_in_the_snow_020510_m1 NULL.jpg)I promised myself that I wasn’t going to talk about the weather, I’m tired of hearing about this topic quite frankly.
On Monday my email box had an item from the Borowitz Report (http://www NULL.borowitzreport NULL.com/2010/12/26/winter-weather-expected-to-dominate-conversations-of-boring-people/) that was titled, “Winter Weather Expected to Dominate the Conversations of Boring People”, I digress.
This morning I watched a woman in beautiful black leather boots (Gucci?), wade through water that was at least three inches deep at the corner of 68th and Park Avenue. As the water seeped into her boot (she grimaced), the tires of a taxi stuck in the snow started spinning and covered her off-white wool coat (Burberry?) with a slushy, gray mixture of snow and street detritus.
I offered her my handkerchief to wipe off the slush, she refused, she was too aggravated. I thought of telling her about Jeeves and asking her if she wanted me to have my driver pick-up her coat for cleaning, but she was getting more furious by the second. It wasn’t the right time. I walked away.
While the weather may dominate some conversations this week, the snow will take a toll on your wardrobe. That gray, slushy mixture is snow, salt, grease and dirt. Not really what you want on your clothes.
I’ve seen shearling coats ruined in a heartbeat after being splashed with “salty” slush. The salt literally burns the shearling and the soft leather takes on the characteristics of starched cardboard.
Do clean anything that gets splashed with slush and keep away from the tires of stuck taxi cabs.
Oh, and the leather boots? Jeeves can fix the water rings that will appear after they dry out.
Thanks for listening. Jerry Pozniak, Jeeves New York