It’s likely that some of the most treasured pieces in your wardrobe require special attention when it comes to cleaning. When does a garment need to be hand cleaned rather than dry cleaned? What is hand cleaning anyway?
The short answer is, a garment made in such a way that it cannot be safely dry cleaned will need hand cleaning.
Here at Jeeves, we’ve encountered many garments that despite being labeled “dry clean” cannot safely withstand the process.
At Jeeves every suspect garment is tested by hand, so that we can avoid issues that may happen during dry cleaning. Here are just a few examples of pitfalls that we take care to circumvent:
Black and white color blocked garments are at risk for color bleeding. If the black fabric is not color fast, it may bleed during dry cleaning into the lighter areas.
Gowns trimmed with glass stones that are delicate will break or chip in dry cleaning.
The same goes for garments trimmed with beads or sequins. Delicate trim could be damaged during dry cleaning.
Garments with fur trim. The method to clean fur is completely different than fabric. Fur trim could become stiff and brittle after dry cleaning.
With hand cleaning, stains and soil are treated by hand using techniques and stain removing agents. The issue with hand cleaning is that it is not as thorough as dry cleaning, so if a garment requires hand cleaning and it is very soiled, the results may not be wonderful.
Jeeves is one of the few dry cleaners in the NYC area that specializes in hand cleaning and we always advise our clients honestly about projected outcomes. In most cases Jeeves can yield a very good result with hand cleaning but at times, the results are not to our standards. It’s important to understand the delicate nature of some fine garments and be realistic about expectations.
Trusting the experts is key to managing the effort. Jeeves is always, at your service.