(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/iStock_000008205334Medium NULL.jpg)With the first breath of spring in Manhattan yesterday your man Jeeves had to resist the temptation to remove all the winter appropriate jackets from his closet. As he sat there contemplating how much Mrs. Jeeves would miss her fur coat if he were to bring it into the shop for cleaning and then having his wonderful staff store it away until next winter he was met by her disapproving stare.
“Winter isn’t over yet my dear,” Mrs. Jeeves stated in a very matter of fact tone as she continued on her way. Oh well, your man Jeeves can not help himself but to look forward to warmer weather.
If you like Mrs. Jeeves are not yet ready to shed your skins for spring here are some helpful tips from your man Jeeves and his craftsman about the cleaning and storage of your furs.
The most important thing to remember is to AVOID EXTREME HEAT! Your man Jeeves can not stress enough that the greatest enemy to your furs is heat. Heat will cause the underlying skin to dry out and crack, and this will do irreparable damage to your fur coats.
Jeeves recommends sending your furs on a nice relaxing vacation to a storage vault that is temperature and humidity controlled, so that your coats are kept in a cool environment.
Before you send your furs into hibernation Jeeves would encourage you to have your coats cleaned annually to remove damaging soils and rejuvenate the skins with oils (like a facial) so that your fur may endure many more seasons.
If you do not want to entrust your furs to a third party your man Jeeves suggests that you store your coat in a cloth garment bag, in an area of moderate temperature, and to AVOID plastic at all costs.
All the fur cleaning and storage services described above look no further than your man Jeeves who will be happy to care for your furs. For the best fur coat cleaning NYC and best fur coat storage NYC just call on Jeeves.