(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/summer-clothes NULL.jpg)
Jeeves here.
I do hope that all of you had a delightful holiday weekend and were able to appropriately relax before transitioning into a week bursting with activities ranging from religious obligations to the highly anticipated Fashion’s Night Out to kick off New York Fashion Week Spring 2011.
Before you get carried away in all the chaos taking New York City by storm, Jeeves urges you to take a moment or two to finish unpacking from the long weekend ( no judgment here if you have not done so already) and bring your summer wardrobe to Jeeves’ shop for one final cleaning.
Jeeves knows you were extra careful this weekend to not disturb the delicate linen fibers of your favorite white dress, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t evils lingering just below the surface. There are many stains that are not visible to the naked eye, and require the Jeeves touch.
In addition to clear liquids such as wine or champagne there are other substances that will linger on your clothing long after the last summer sun has set, only to rear their ugly head as an oxidized stain next summer. Perfume and sweat also come in contact with your clothing, and leaving these uncleaned on your summer clothes is an open invitation for moths to devour these pieces once they are put away for cleaning.
Your man Jeeves simply wanted to extend a friendly reminder that just because you can’t see these stains does not mean that they do not exist, and should be taken care of before its too late. To prevent from damages such as stain oxidization and moth holes all you have to do is ring your man Jeeves and he will dispatch a driver to come collect your summer clothing( right from the suitcase if you prefer) to ensure that your whites are brighter than ever next summer!
Stop by and visit your man Jeeves at 39 E. 65th Street for the best in dry cleaning throughout New York City. No one will treat your wardrobe better, and that’s the promise of a gentleman.