Summer is here at long last. Before you begin breaking out the celebratory sunscreen, you might want to sit back and read our summertime laundry care tips. Don’t worry, there are only three!
1. Accept That Stains Are Going To Happen
As much as we loathe stains, we have long since learned that they will inevitably happen, especially during the summer months. Your best bet is to not wear your most beloved and delicate garments out and about this time of year.
This is a tough pill to swallow, we know, but we have seen enough food and wine stains to know what we are talking about here and can safely say that it is not worth the risk of ruining your favorite clothing items.
2. Try Not To Resolve All Laundry Issues With One Solution
Yes, another entry about stains. What can we say? They come up a lot in our line of work.
Anyway, not all stains are the same and therefore should not be treated (pun intended) as such. It is also worth noting that different fabrics may require a specific product or course of action to be salvaged from stains.
Need some guidance here? Let’s talk (https://jeevesny
3. Don’t Neglect Your Non-Summer Wardrobe
Your mind may be firmly fixated on swimsuits, fun fabrics (à la these three (http://drycleaningtips and preppy outfits right now, but don’t let tunnel vision tarnish your future fashion choices! Make sure that you keep your non-summer clothing in tip-top shape. Or just let us do it (https://jeevesny
Have a wonderful summer and check back here soon for more laundry care tips!
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