Luxurious Velvet Sofa
There used to be a time when the ritual of “spring cleaning” was regularly practiced. When I first started working in dry cleaning about 25 years ago many more clients did “spring cleaning”.
Though our spring here in New York City has been less than “spring like” with chilly temperatures and wet weather, it would be a good time to have certain household items cleaned. It is also best to have these items cleaned professionally as most house-staff do not have the proper equipment to do a proper job.
Now is a great time to clean your comforters and duvet covers. Usually it becomes too warm for these items now, so you are less apt to miss them. We are able to clean comforters and duvets using either our Eco-Clean or Wet-Clean methods, both yield a great result with bright colors and a luxurious feel.
Drapery, curtains and upholstered furniture that is in need of cleaning should be taken care of now. Our on-site cleaning team can come to your home and clean your window treatments and furniture. Most of the time our team does not have to remove these items for cleaning, everything will be taken care of on-site and usually in one day.
As the weather improves it is a great time to think about freshening up all of your “home” textiles, after all this is what “spring cleaning” is all about.
The team at Jeeves of Belgravia is up to any task that you may have for us. Just give us a call and your man Jeeves will be on the spot ready to clean anything you may have.
Thanks for listening, Jerry Pozniak