Photo from the New York Daily News
New York City was horrid yesterday. It snowed early and then started raining; a lot. At every corner the snow made a dam that created a pond of slushy, icy water that made long jumping a skill worth having. I was prepared for today as I donned my snow boots before leaving the house. At least I could slog through the ice ponds and not risk breaking my leg by jumping and landing on ice.
I did spy other men at each corner doing the “heel dance” or “long jump” to avoid soaking their feet in ice water. The leaps were impressive and some of the landings were worthy of a posted score by passerby’s. Other landings were not pretty, not pretty at all and wet, cold feet were the order of the day.
Snow boots are sensible but not fashionable for men. At least women can wear cute rain boots in the snow and still maintain some fashion dignity. My North Face books though keep my feet warm and dry don’t work at all with my gray flannel suits.
Do you wear boots during snowy weather and how do you make it work with your outfit?
Your comments are encouraged.
Thanks for listening, Jerry Pozniak. Jeeves New York.