(http://drycleaningtips NULL.com/2011/02/01/hermes-ties-jeeves-spring/hermes-ties-3/)It is another cold, damp, dreary day here in New York City. With a mix of freezing rain and snow on the horizon. I need spring and I need it now.
To get my spring fix I walked over just a few blocks from Jeeves’ Madison Avenue location to 62nd street to visit Hermes. This location of Hermes focuses on menswear only, and when you walk into the first floor you are treated to a riot of color.
Hermes ties everywhere! Color everywhere!
You are not “somewhere over the rainbow” you are in the rainbow and it is made of silk. The jolt of color from Hermes brighten my day, if only for an hour.
I walked back to the Jeeves shop with “spring” in my step. Yes it is cold, rainy and icy, but if I look really, really hard at the horizon, I can imagine spring.
Oh and if you get a spot on your Hermes tie, Jeeves will be on the spot straight away. Hermes makes ties by hand and Jeeves only cleans them by hand. Jeeves would not do it any other way!
Hermes Men, 690 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10065 (212) 308-3585 (http://maps NULL.google NULL.com/maps/place?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hermes+men+nyc&fb=1&gl=us&hq=hermes+men&hnear=New+York,+NY&cid=909744548262339279)
Jeeves New York, 39 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065 (212) 570-9130 (http://jeevesny NULL.com)

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