The fashion world was turned on its side when Alexandra Shulman, British Vogue’s longest-serving editor-in-chief, announced that she would step down back in January of this year. After taking over the magazine in 1992, Shulman had harnessed the magazine’s full potential by bringing about its highest circulation to date and transforming it into a fast-growing global digital brand. Shulman will take her leave in June. Although many are devastated by the thought of her stepping down, the news of her successor certainly lessened the blow. On Monday, April 10th, the chief executive of Conde Nast announced that long-time fashion expert Edward Enninful would take the reigns.
Edward Enninful is quite the giant in the fashion industry. Enninful started his career at the tender age of 18, where he became the fashion director of the famed i-D magazine. Making fashion history already, he was the youngest director of an international publication, where he worked for almost 20 years. During his time at i-D magazine, Enninful was well known for his edgy elegant style. His style was so influential that he is credited for contributing to the popular grunge look of the 90’s!
Refusing to remain stagnant, Enninful also became a contributing editor to Italian Vogue in 1998 as well as to American Vogue in 2006. He worked as a freelance editor for both magazines until 2011 when he was asked to be the creative and fashion director for W Magazine. Enninful brought his edgy style to the magazine with his impactful editorials such as the infamous March 2012 cover where Kate Moss was depicted as a nun.
There is no denying Enninful’s incredible talent and unique vision. We look forward to seeing how British Vogue will thrive under his domain. Let us know on Facebook (https://www NULL.facebook what your favorite Enninful shoot was! For more information on British Vogue’s newest editor-in-chief check out these articles from Fashionista (http://fashionista and the New York Times (https://www NULL.nytimes NULL.html?_r=0).