Stain Removal / Stains

How To Remove Rust Stains

April 30, 2019

Background: What makes rust difficult to remove?
Rust stains contain iron oxide particles that become embedded in the fibers of your garment. Some common stain removers, such as chlorine bleach and ammonia will set rust stains.
How to remove rust stains:
Check the care label to make sure your garment is washable. Always test a hidden part of your garment with any stain removing agent to make sure you do not do damage to the surrounding dye.
Rust stains need a mild acid for removal; either white vinegar or lemon juice can be used. Place the stained area of your garment over a few sheets of paper towel or white cotton terry towel. Saturate the stain with white vinegar or lemon juice. 
Using a second white terry towel, blot the stained area from both sides. Do not rub. This should allow the rust stain to transfer from your garment on to the towels. Allow the vinegar or lemon juice to sit on the stain for at least 15 minutes.
If you have an outdoor clothes line, you can apply the lemon juice or vinegar to the rust stain. Hang on the clothes line so that the stain site is exposed to bright sunlight. The sunlight will increase the effectiveness of the lemon juice or vinegar, helping to remove the stain.
Wash the garment as usual, but check to make sure the stain has been removed. If it has, you may use a clothes dryer to finish the drying process. If the stain remains, apply the vinegar or lemon juice again, and follow the procedure above. The heat from the dryer will cause the rust stain to set.
If the rust stain is not removed after two treatments, you may need a commercial rust remover. This can be purchased at your local supermarket or hardware store. Rust removers contain strong acids, so please make sure the rust remover you purchase can be used on fabric. Test the rust remover on the fabric in an unexposed area before applying to the stain. 
Myth: Chlorine bleach should never be used on rust stains; this will cause the stain to set and become darker.
Tip: Rust stains are best treated as soon has they happen, as the iron oxide particles will further oxidize making the stain more difficult to remove.
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Jerry Pozniak

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