Dolce & Gabbana alligator bag
Who does Dolce & Gabbana call when you discover that a $23,000 alligator handbag on the selling floor has a pen mark?
Jeeves, of course.
Last Friday your man Jeeves took a call from the manager of Dolce and Gabbana on Madison Avenue who had a big problem, no a huge problem. She had a $23,000 alligator bag on the selling floor and someone put a pen mark on it.
Jeeves is on the case. Our lead handbag technician is hard at work as we speak, working her magic to remove the offending ink stain. Soon the ink will be gone, and all will be right again at Dolce and Gabbana.
Dolce and Gabbana’s first call was to New York and London’s finest garment care firm, Jeeves of Belgravia, with worldwide locations. By the way, Jeeves is the ONLY worldwide garment care firm.
Jeeves of Belgravia, New York will be the only luxury garment care firm to remove ALL of the petrochemicals from the cleaning process. No other luxury dry cleaner in New York can make that claim either.
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