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What a show! Every year Victoria’s Secret puts on arguable THE BEST fashion show of the year, and this year… WAS. EVERYTHING. From the hot new angels Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid, that made their runway debut; to the old timers like Adriana Lima and Candace Swanepoel that just know how to work the runway, to the out of this world lingerie… It was truly incredible. And Jeeves, per usual, was behind the scenes, making sure that all the outfits remained clean, in between the two show tapings. Highlight for the Jeeves team? Taking care of the yellow cargo pants for super model Gigi Hadid!
See below for some incredible photos from the show, and Jeeves in action back stage!

The talented Jeeves team for the Victorias Secret Fashion Show
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Jerry Pozniak working on Gigi Hadid pants
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