Wedding Dress

Extreme Wedding Dress Hemline Soil

October 18, 2018

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An extremely soiled hemline from a NYC wedding, this amount of soil may not be removable despite heroic cleaning methods.

The goal for any great dry cleaning company is to restore clothing back to “as new” as possible. With wedding dresses this can be quite the challenge.

Many weddings may take place outdoors or the photos are done in outdoor locations. This means the wedding dress may be exposed to grass, mud, street grime, farm dirt, ocean water or who knows what!

When a wedding dress hemline gets soiled, the intention is to remove all of the soil in the cleaning process. This may not be possible, if the hemline is extremely soiled, even for the best dry cleaning companies in the world. (https://www NULL.jeevesny

Soil removal from wedding dress hemlines is tedious work, which involves pretreating, soaking, hand-cleaning and hours of tedious work.

The limiting factor of removing hemline soil often is the fabric of the wedding dress itself. Delicate lace, sheer chiffon or organza cannot be cleaned aggressively. At times, the craftspeople at the Jeeves workroom will clean the soil of the hemline of a wedding dress to the best of their ability, but soil may remain.

After cleaning if the client would like Jeeves to continue the cleaning process, the risk of damaging the fabric is then assumed by the client. Or, in some instances, Jeeves has shortened the hemline of the dress to remove the permanently soiled fabric.

It is Jeeves’ intention to restore every wedding dress that we have the honor to clean, to pre-wedding condition, but at times this is not possible. What Jeeves does is to discuss condition issues and cleaning methods with our clients, before cleaning, so that a realistic expectations are set.

If you have a wedding dress that needs cleaning or you need cleaning advice, Jeeves is at your service. (https://www NULL.jeevesny

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Jerry Pozniak

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