Wine stains on your clothes can be a nightmare, and it is even worse if it is red wine! But fear not, we have tips that can help.
This wine removal procedure is intended for washable garments only, check the care label on your clothes before you attempt this. If your clothes are dry clean only, find the best dry cleaner in your area otherwise you can send them to Jeeves in New York City (https://www NULL.jeevesofbelgravia, which is the finest dry cleaner in the United States.
To remove wine stains from your clothes, when a spill occurs get a clean, damp absorbent towel and blot the stained area (do not rub). If you are out and about, the rest of the tips will have to wait until you get home. Do not search on Google how to remove red wine stains and run to the bathroom, you may end ruining your clothes.
First we need to to mix up a cleaning solution formulated for wine stains, which is 1/2 cup warm water, 1 tablespoon white household vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn dishwashing detergent. Mix all of the ingredients together and apply to the wine stained area. Allow to this formula to penetrate the stain for 15 minutes and then wash your garment following the instructions on the label.
After the wash cycle is completed, check to see if the wine stain has been removed. If not, apply the wine removing solution again and rewash your garment. Do not use heat to dry your garment until the stain has been completely removed.
If traces of the red wine remain after the second treatment, apply a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide (available in the first aid section of your local pharmacy or grocery store) to the stained area. Allow about 15 minutes for the peroxide to work and then wash again. This should take out all traces of the red wine stain. Once the stain is removed, you can dry your garment using a clothes dryer.
There is a great video below that outlines the steps to remove wine stains from clothes.
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